Individualized Curriculum Program
The Individualized Curriculum Program (ICP) is for mature and motivated adults,
18 years and older, who wish to depart from traditional patterns of formal education
by planning their own academic programs. Students develop, with the assistance of
a program advisor and the dean, curricula that are consistent with their individual
lives and career goals. The essential principle underlying the program is the placing
of considerably more responsibility for choice of course selection and sequence and
for self-determination upon the students.
Students must present to the dean a written statement explaining their curriculum
proposal. The proposal should discuss their reasons for a nontraditional degree program
and descriptions of the requested courses, including any plans for a concentration
or focus area. In consultation with the student and advisor, the proposal will be
submitted to the dean for approval. A copy of the proposal will be placed in the
student's file in the Office of the Registrar.
For further information about the Individualized Curriculum Program, please contact
us at (773)995-4466
Chicago State University
9501 S. King Drive
Jacoby Dickens Center, Room 201
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: (773)995-4466